About this title


A 12-year-old dream team of underdogs: Benny is a good-hearted basketball ace, Hamid draws comics like Picasso and Charly fights for animal rights. They have each other's backs against bully Lennart. But when Benny learns that he's Jewish, their friendship is put to the test, as Hamid was taught to mistrust Jews. When his brother Raduan also harasses Benny, Hamid doesn't stick up for him. That's when Charly realizes she has to keep things from spinning out of control. Will she succeed?

Country: Germany

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: German

Release Date: April 19, 2022

Also Known As: Völlig meschugge?! - Der gefallene Stern, Völlig meschugge?!Der gefallene Stern |  See more »


Company Credits

Production Co: Sad Origami, Tellux Film

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2022 | 6 Episodes

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