About this title


Young Hee has lead a comfortable and financially secure life as an upper middle class housewife. When her husband passes unexpectedly after his business fails, Young Hee must find a way to support herself and her four children. Young Hee's oldest daughter Young Seo wants to marry a poor working class man. Young Hee's second daughter abandons her studies and prefers to go on numerous dates. Her oldest son is struggling in High School. Meanwhile Young Hee loses her home due to the failure of her husband's business and has to move into her sister's basement room. Her sister has been struggling with a husband who has had difficulties maintaining a steady job throughout their marriage. Dong Jae the young man that Young Seo wants to marry is also struggling. He is raising his dead brother's son and is working odd jobs so that he can support himself and his nephew while going to school.

Country: South Korea

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Korean

Release Date: May 15, 1993

Also Known As: Mother's Sea, My mother's sea


Company Credits

Production Co: MBC

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1993 | 66 Episodes

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