About this title


Shingalana is- sorry- was a lioness. Life treated her bad until her last day, until she was killed by her own kind. I wish so much she'd survived. In my own way, she did in the Homecoming story series. She was found as a helpless, little furball. She was just a few hours old cub, when the animal filmer John Vary found her in the South African Londolozi Wildlife Preserve, obviously abandoned by her mother. Shingis heart wrenching blue eyes left John and his companion Gillian van Houten no choice but taking her home and to raise her. She was a playful cub, liked to play around with Elmon Mhlongo, who was treated by her like a brother. It was quite stressy for him. Shingi played around with a soccer ball, slept in a bed, and when she was too active as young cub they took her in bed and Gillian put one finger into her mouth. Shingi was very gentle, even more like an overgrown lap cat. But there was no doubt Shinig should return to the life nature intended for her. John V. showed her how to drink from a waterhole, to dig for warthogs and to take down young gazelles. At the age of 18 months, she was brought to Zambia, where she could live without the danger to be killed by humans. In the vicinity of the camp was a lions pride, it's male came to the river Shingi was playing infrequently. Finally, she tried to mate with him, but he was mostly accompanied by 2 of his lionesses, wo hurted Shingi and chased her away. Finally, one night, Shingi was 27 months old, the male was alone. He accepted her, but then the lionesses came, and...killed Shingi.

Country: South Africa

Type: unscripted

Status: Ended

Language: English

Release Date: January 1, 1994

Also Known As: Shingalani: The Little Hunter, Shingalana: The Little Lion


Company Credits

Production Co: GTV, Londolozi Productions, M-Net

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1994 | 6 Episodes

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