About this title


Dramatic jumps from rooftops. Action-packed car chases. Awesome fight choreographies... All of this is made possible by the unsung heroes and heroines of the film business: stunt performers. Despite the rapid development of visual effects and CGI hardly any action film can do without them. And we're not just talking about car chases in Hollywood, but also about small details like hot, splashing oil in the kitchen pan and a coin dancing back and forth between your fingers. Safety on set is a recurring topic in the media, other aspects such as recognition, everyday work and competition are dealt with less often. Five filmmakers want to know who these people are, who perform in front of the camera but never show their faces, what kind of jobs exist in the field of "stunts" and why people voluntarily set themselves on fire, drive cars into walls and throw themselves down the stairs.

Country: Austria

Type: unscripted

Language: German

Also Known As: Fighting for A Living


Company Credits

Production Co: Fachhochschule St. Pölten


Awards & Nominations

Vienna International Film Award 2022


Vienna International Film Award


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