About this title


A seven-part documentary video series focusing on Australian music film clip directors, featuring interviews and their music videos created for Australian artists. Australian music culture is vast and diverse, there are many talented filmmakers working with musicians to produce creative and experimental video and film techniques. This seven part feature will focus on several film clip makers from each Australian state or capital city, their work and also the Australian musician's clips they've worked on. Directors include; Sean T Barnes (Ben Salter, Vincey Presents), Aimée-Lee X. Curran (Bells Will Ring, The Laurels), Matt Sav (Pond, Lower Spectrum), Jennifer Embelton (Good Boy, Babaganouj), Dr Foothead (The Ruby Suns, Thee Oh Sees) plus many more.

Country: Australia

Type: unscripted

Status: Ended

Language: English

Release Date: June 25, 2017

Also Known As: Clip Art


Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2017 | 2 Episodes

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