About this title


The struggle is real. An NYC Cabaret struggles to keep its doors open to the ever-changing future and battle with strip clubs. This ambitious Cabaret group of dancers, singers, actors, and comedians will do almost anything to make their showbiz dreams come true. Toledo, head of the CABARET burlesque troupe, is a singer, musician, and recruiter of the hottest burlesque dancers in NYC. Stuck with a heroin habit, he has several choices to make. To go with the times and join the ranks of strip culture or fight for the burlesque community and forge his talented group of artists to stardom. Survival is the guiding theme of the series. Each episode delves into different characters' lifestyles, how they arrived at the Cabaret, and what drives them. Don't wear your heart on your sleeves. It's survive or die. Feast or Famine. And nobody, I repeat, nobody can take away your dreams. A dark musical extravaganza. In the pilot episode Welcome to the wonderful world of CABARET. Live music, burlesque, comedy, magic, and deeply rich and bottomless characters. Heroin-addicted Toledo wants to change with the times but doesn't know how. He struggles with Salty, an offensive comedian, who can't catch a break... * Poof, an antiquated magician who lives on Campbell soups (cream of mushroom) * Miss Dangerous is an aging burlesque dancer who thinks she "still got it" * Mabel feels she's destined for something but doesn't know what -Tasty who wreaks havoc wherever she goes -and the "new girl," Gypsy Lovechild, whose sordid past changes everything the dancers have ever known.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Language: English


Plot Keywords

Company Credits

Production Co: 90265 Films

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