About this title


Fast and easy access to information on Italian business, finance, politics, and legislation, 'Il Sole 24 Ore' is Italy's leading political, economic, and financial daily newspaper. It is now available on CD-ROM under the title 'Big CD-Rom'. 'Big CD-Rom' contains the full text of all articles and news items published in 'Il Sole 24 Ore', including the Guida Normativa, L'Esperto Risponde, Europa, Mezzogiorno, Mercati e Finanza, and Informatica. Searches can be made on market sectors, subjects, legislation, companies, and individuals. Publication is annual on one disc, and discs are available from 1988 onward.

Country: Italy

Type: scripted

Language: Italian, English

Also Known As: Big CD-Rom


Company Credits

Production Co: 24 Ore Seme, Editoria Elettronica Editel

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