About this title


WATER: Early morning, she lies by the water as if sculpted from sun and sand. Her lips, eyes, neck; a bird cries. She comes to life, baptizes herself in water, and takes a sight, sound, and taste filled journey home to a small cabin in the canyon. CABIN: Music and talk media mingle inside her sparse cabin. She inspects herself, removes a remnant from the trail, and dresses for the city. The telephone rings: Bobo, her city angel, needs help. She knows. CITY: As she enters the city, her truck radio transitions from classical to hate. She arrives at Bobo's Place, exchanges pleasantries, and watches part of the underground cabaret. They conduct business: Bobo hands her the weapon and identifies the target. She drives downtown and picks up her mark. They stroll around and wind up in his apartment, where she dispatches him. Before leaving earth, she returns to Bobo's neighborhood and visits her sacred ones. She tells them not to be fearful, they are safe from harm. EVENING: We watch our goddess drive home down Hollywood Boulevard. The skyline of the Capitol Building is our final image before liftoff. Perfection is Forever.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Language: English, Spanish

Also Known As: LA Femme


Company Credits

Production Co: Hoccomocco Pictures

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