About this title


With hosting and entertainment provided by a wide range of famous celebrities--including an opening song by Justin Bieber; with Jennifer Garner hosting the introductions. She and Matthew McConaughey share inspirational stories about their mothers who were both teachers, This show is dedicated to raising awareness about the ThinkItUp (.org) movement, an educational resource for students and teachers that relies on public donations (similar to Kickstarter). Anyone--teachers, or students, adults and children, are encouraged to present their ideas for expanding and improving educational opportunities that would not otherwise be funded within their target communities, and a few of these projects (past, ongoing and hopeful) participant's are presented here. These funds are used for a wide range of projects, ranging from providing modern computers and software, to community outreach programs (A Day of Peace, anti-bullying campaigns, etc), to workshops and hands-on or first hand experiences--like field trips. or sponsorship for participation in off-campus competitions or workshops, that today's budget shortfalls have made a thing of the past for most schools--especially in low-income communities. Any kind of feasible project is considered--there are no limits, the more creative the better..

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Status: Current

Language: English

Release Date: September 11, 2015

Also Known As: Think It Up


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