About this title


This program has been conceived by ABC network to provide several anticipations about its upcoming season of programs. 14 ABC stars have taken part to this variety show, composed by dialogues, music, dancing, songs, and above all by magic. In fact the program was conducted by a 21 year old illusionist, David Seth Kotkin, whose stage name is David Copperfield, who made his "official" debut on television in this occasion, after a first appearance in Magic at the Roxy (1976). The official title of this program, "the magic of abc", is shown in the screen of the television set used as a prop in the first illusion, called "TV Appearance From Empty Box". The other illusions performed are: "Card Productions", "Production Of Hal Linden", "Psycho Shower Scene", "Levitating TV Antenna", "David Cut In Half Lengthwise", "Backstage With The Magician", "Maltese Canary, Lemon, Egg" and "Sailor Scene". By its nature, this program has been conceived for airing only once and on ABC network only, so it was never reaired, or officially redistribuited in home video. However, it has been so successful that it convinced the producer Joseph Cates to put Copperfield under contract to produce for CBS network an annual series of specials called "The Magic of David Copperfield", the first of which has been broadcasted the following year, on Friday, October 27th.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Status: Current

Language: English

Release Date: September 7, 1977

Also Known As: The Magic of ABC


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