About this title


Portland, Oregon -- also known as Rose City -- is the city of bridges and connections. Beneath the coffee houses, the microbrews, and the indie arts scene is a different kind of connection, however. A connection to something ancient, strange, and immensely powerful. And now, that something is waking up -- stretching, changing, and warping the city above in wondrous and terrible ways. Rose City Underground starts out quietly -- a glimpse of the unusual, a touch of something unexplainable, a hint of magic. But as each episode blooms, more and more is revealed, and a strange jigsaw puzzle becomes apparent.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Status: Current

Language: English

Release Date: November 1, 2018

Also Known As: Rose City Underground


Plot Keywords

Company Credits

Production Co: Hellbender Media, Bullet Dance Films

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

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