About this title


Criminal history, possibly occurring at the end of the 20th century in the second half of the 1990s, in Lithuania. This story shows the working methods, way of life and relations of one of the then existing criminal groups, Prince, with other criminal organized groups. The problem of corruption in law enforcement is also addressed. The simulated episodes from the life of the Prince group are based on one of the most important sources of illegal income for the criminals of that time - cigarette smuggling. All the events of this story revolve around the unsuccessful attempt of the Princes to implement the sale of high-value contraband cigarettes to foreign customers and the resulting confrontation with the criminals of Kaunas and Klaipeda. Both the main and secondary and episodic characters try to reflect the spirit and actualities of that difficult time. Attempts are made to authentically restore the elements of coercion used by criminals, as well as leaving aside normal daily life and the intrigues of love. Quite rough jargon is sometimes used to emphasize this. There is no shortage of ironic portrayals of some of the heroes of this story. The tense plot of this story reveals the internal conflicts of the main characters, their connection with loved ones and the current reality of life. Where is the threshold beyond which there is no way back? Is material enrichment, apart from means, the most important thing in life? The answer to this is sought by all the characters up to one in this story.

Country: Lithuania

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Lithuanian

Also Known As: Лихие 90-е: Банда «Князья», Gang Wars. PrincesGaujų Karai. Princai, Бандитские войны. Принцы |  See more »


Company Credits

Production Co: Videometra

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