About this title


Two children; 14-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl are kidnapped. Their fathers keep looking for them, but it's difficult, since they were taken into very deep sauth of Sudan. When they finally manage to break free, they have to go towards the ocean. It's not easy since they're only kids, have very little food and medicine, and only two Black kids to help ...

Country: Poland

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Afrikaans, ArabicPolish |  See more »

Release Date: November 30, 1973

Also Known As: Kidnappingen, KidnappningenIn Desert and Wilderness, Las aventuras de dos niños en África, Durch Wüste und Dschungel |  See more »


Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1973 | 3 Episodes

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