About this title


This show centers around an actual Swimsuit Model Search event, where the participants are real, the judging is authentic, and the winner is actually selected through the process. Swimsuit Centerfold guarantees the drama and entertainment as it follows a handful of up and coming models as they compete against 50 other women for the title of Miss Swimsuit Centerfold, a $25,000 cash prize, and the bragging rights of taking home the crown. As these models descend upon the monumental Grand Oasis Resort in Cancun, Mexico, they find themselves in a competitive and cutthroat ocean of prima donnas, all with the same goal, to win it all. Our contestants are placed in key surroundings to ensure that story lines come to life. Some women thrive in these currents, relying on manipulation to get what they want; while others who are experienced models know how to navigate these waters while keeping their moral compass north. Told through diaries, scenarios, and experiences, this formula creates 13 compelling episodes, During which our young models will quickly realize that many of the other women in this competition are not the only predators. A few of the Judges who come to this event have more promiscuous plans in mind other than choosing a winner. It's no question that Mike Brown, the Executive Producer, surely has his hands tied with many of the uncontrollable events that unfold as we come closer to the crowning day. It's not all competition however, Swimsuit Centerfold also explores the adventures and relationships these women create and foster while in one of the most beautiful tropical settings in the world. Set against the backdrop of the crystal clear blue waters of Cancun, the stage is set for amazing excursions, life changing decisions, and relationships built here that will last a lifetime. During this week long event many of the contestants will have their character tested. Some will prevail while others will come crashing down. In this competition winning the crown may not be the top prize, but coming out with your dignity will have far more value. Stay tuned for the most exciting ride of your life that Swimsuit Centerfold will surely deliver!

Country: United States

Type: unscripted

Status: Ended

Language: English

Release Date: July 1, 2015

Also Known As: Swimsuit Centerfold


Company Credits

Production Co: Vertex Media

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2015 | 6 Episodes

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