About this title


This is a lengthy exposition of the social and political history of renaissance Florentine history, told through dramatised conversations between the main participants, particularly Cosimo de Medici and Brunelleschi. Among its themes are commerce and banking, artistic and scientific advances such as perspective and early automation of manufacturing processes, political processes such as taxation and voting and conflict.

Country: Italy

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Italian

Release Date: December 26, 1972

Also Known As: L'età di Cosimo de Medici, Leon Battista AlbertiL'ère des Medicis, 梅第奇时代, O Renascimento: A Era dos Médici, L'âge de Cosme de Médicis, The Age of Cosimo de Medici, The Age of the Medici |  See more »


Company Credits

Production Co: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1972 | 3 Episodes

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