About this title


Life Out of Mike follows the day-to-day world of Michael Dalgaard: A 30 something year-old mean spirited, often nihilistic and sociopathic man-child who lives with his mother and always tries to be the smart one but fails miserably, resulting in a variety of bad luck at his expense in every episode within the deep, weird, twisted and cartoony Washington state: encountering weird situations and supernatural adventures in the most random, morbid and unusual manner. He was raised home-schooled and Christian, along with his other friends: Quint and Clint Barker whom he doesn't respect but strongly believes that he needs to be there for in order to shape them into being more like him in life. In addition to his friends, there are also plenty of weird family members such as Grandpa and Grandma (who are both talking skeletons on strings), Kevin Dalgaard (his divorced father), Uncle Carl and many others who find themselves in the bizarre situations as well.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Status: Current

Language: English

Release Date: January 25, 2023


Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2023 | 7 Episodes

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