About this title


A wiseman cosmic entity hides golden eggs from a mythological flying creature across the galaxy. Each egg is protected by a child from a group of aliens that wants to conquer the galaxy. On planet Earth tehir children are protected by the warrior Jaspion and his assistant, using a futuristic armour, pistols, a giant warship that transforms into a robot and an assistant woman.

Country: Japan

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Japanese

Release Date: March 15, 1985

Also Known As: จัสเปี้ยน, Kyojū Tokusō Jasupion巨獣特捜ジャスピオン, Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion, O Fantástico Juspion, Special Megabeast Investigator Juspion, Jaspion, O Fantástico Jaspion, Kyoju Tokuso Juspion, Daileon, ジャスピオン, Juspion |  See more »


Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1985 | 46 Episodes


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