About this title


Twelve young adults, ages 20-30, experience the adventure of a lifetime while traversing 150 miles in the remote Rocky Mountain wilderness. With 60- to 80-pound backpacks, only the clothes on their backs, no bathrooms, no toilet paper, no shower and mere rations to survive on, they endure 35 days of this hard-core challenge. Tune in as we follow their every waking moment, experiencing their struggles and personal triumphs as these 12 adventurers confront the most extreme forces of nature. Taking place in the Wind River mountain range of western Wyoming, this season will include mountaineering, multi-pitch rock climbing, peak ascents, dangerous river crossings, Tyrolean traverses, glissading, ice and glacier climbing, hypothermia training and fly fishing

Country: United States

Type: unscripted

Status: Ended

Language: English

Release Date: August 16, 2007

Also Known As: Backcountry Boot Camp


Plot Keywords

Company Credits

Production Co: Wild Life Productions

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2007 | 6 Episodes

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