About this title


Contrary to popular belief, women are not from Venus, women are from Earth! Discover the raw and hilarious truth about what really goes on in the female mind. Are we, women, really that complicated? Do situations that happen to us really happen to others? Men, have you always wondered what is really going on in her mind? Prepare to laugh, squint and learn the truth! Tune in every week! Don't forget to share with your friends and subscribe! Find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/VDiaries1

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Release Date: December 31, 2014

Also Known As: The Vagina Diaries


Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2014 | 10 Episodes

Season 2

2015 | 9 Episodes

Season 3

2016 | 7 Episodes

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