About this title


While the whole world is singing songs from the balconies and having parties by video link, Gennady Borisovich, the owner of a chain of hardware stores in Podolsk, is trying to save his business. And his wife cannot (or does not want?) Leave home with Bali. Former FSO colonel Seryoga Dergach dug in the country with a supply of alcohol and supplies conflicting data from his dubious informants, which causes fear in his colleagues. And Yulechka's secretary is going for the last possible manicure in her life. She is very upset that her secret boyfriend self-isolated with his family. He connects to a video call with colleagues from the closet - the only place in the house where you can hide from your wife and children.

Country: Russia

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Russian

Release Date: April 16, 2020

Also Known As: #СидЯдома, #SėdintNamie


Company Credits

Production Co: PREMIER Studios

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2020 | 8 Episodes


Awards & Nominations

APKiT 2021




Best Comedy Series

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