About this title


These nine short films from emerging women directors showcase their amazing skills as genre filmmakers: WAFFLE is a grim, brilliant satire about human interaction in the age of apps; MAGGIE MAY is a gut-wrenching horror story about inaction and apathy; BASIC WITCH carefully deconstructs the complexities of sexual consent (with magic); CONVERSION THERAPIST channels revenge and repression into one terrifying torture session; OFFBEAT creates a fantastic science fiction world populated by relatable heroes; THE FINAL GIRL RETURNS is an atmospheric slasher that traps its characters in a cycle of violence; LIVE contrasts social media personalities with reality, with thought-provoking results; MAN IN THE CORNER quickly switches from erotica to a ghastly and grotesque nightmare; and AVA IN THE END takes only moments to reveal the existential dread that all living beings, artificial and organic, share when faced with death.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Language: Dutch, English

Also Known As: Etheria Film Festival Showcase 2020


Company Credits

Production Co: Etheria Film Night

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