About this title


Years earlier in the Kingdom of LovelyLocks, the evil Grand Duchess RavenHair destroyed herself and the royal family in an ill fated attempt to take over. Now, a farmer's adopted daughter awakens to find rainbow streaks in her blonde hair, causing the land to realize that she is the missing princess known as Lady LovelyLocks. Taking her rightful place on the throne with the help of her two best friends, Maiden FairHair and Maiden CurlyCrown, Lady LovelyLocks discovers magical creatures known as Pixietails who wish to help the princess restore the kingdom. However, RavenHair's vain daughter, RavenWaves, has also grown up with her eye on the throne. It is her belief that cutting the royal colors in Lady LovelyLocks's hair will give her the power to control the land as well as the PixieTails. Although the princess is weary of RavenWaves, she is aided by the wisdom of the old wizard ShiningGlory and helped by the many creatures living in the kingdom. Also on her side is a mutt called prince, who is in fact an enchanted young man called StrongHeart, however the princess is unaware of the fact that the dream prince she sometimes catches the reflection of is in fact the guard dog.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: English

Release Date: January 1, 1987

Also Known As: Lady Lovely Locks and the Pixietails, Fénylőfürt és a mágikus manócskákLady Lovelylocks and the Pixietails, Dame Boucleline et les minicouettes, A Princesa dos Cabelos Mágicos, Lady Lovely, Lady Lockenlicht |  See more »


Company Credits

Production Co: DIC Entertainment

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1986 | 20 Episodes

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