About this title


Sophie Cross is a brilliant lawyer, her 5 year old son Arthur Leclercq is having a good time on a beautiful summer day by their lake house. Within seconds he is gone from Sophie's sight. Her son's disappearance becomes a long investigation which brings no leads and no end to the case. What happened to Arthur?

Country: France

Type: scripted

Status: Returning

Language: French

Release Date: May 23, 2021

Also Known As: Sophie Cross, Sophie Cross: Dangerous DunesCrossroads, Sophie Cross - Gefährliche Dünen, Sophie Cross: Gefährliche Dünen |  See more »


Company Credits

Production Co: France.tv Studio, M.F.P., Gardner & Domm, Les Gens, Neue Deutsche Filmgesellschaft (NDF)ndF International Production, France Télévisions, ARD Degeto Film, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF), Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Screen Flanders |  See more »

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

2021 | 3 Episodes

Season 2

2023 | 6 Episodes

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