About this title


Three tales raise unsettling questions about the central qualities of being human. In one, a father is torn between love for his son and the desire for revenge, while a second examines the twisted love of a teacher for his female colleague. The third story delves into the complex affections hidden within a bully.

Country: Japan

Type: scripted

Status: Ended

Language: Japanese

Release Date: July 8, 1994

Also Known As: 人間失格, 人間・失格〜たとえばぼくが死んだ人间失格-假如我死的话, 人間・失格-たとえばぼくが死んだら-, 人间失格:假如我死的话, Ningen Shikkaku: Tatoeba boku ga shindara, 人間・失格, Ningen Shikkaku: Tatoeba bokuga shindara, Unfit Human, 人間・失格~たとえばぼくが死んだら~, The Loss of Humanity, にんげん・しっかく たとえばぼくがしんだら |  See more »


Company Credits

Production Co: Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)

Seasons & Episodes

Season 1

1994 | 12 Episodes

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