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A TV series about a diverse group of addicts whose lives intersect as they struggle and sometimes succeed, day-by-day, to recover. A cluster of addicts, young and old, male and female, straight and gay, mix and mingle outside a nondescript building, With the words "Meeting time" filtering out from inside the building, people toss their coffee cups, stub out their cigarettes, and head inside. ANDY., 46, hangs back. He spots BETO, 18, lurking behind a nearby dumpster. He urges Beto to come into the meeting provided he leaves the beer bottle behind. Smirking, Beto saunters past Andy into the meeting. Andy's sponsee, GARY C., 27, rolls up to the door in his wheelchair. As they banter back and forth, Andy holds the door open for them to go in. It's Andy's Recovery anniversary. NANCY, 45, the secretary of the meeting and Andy's close friend, presents him with a cake. Andy shares his gratitude in a passionate, and humorous way about how his life has been transformed from hopeless dope fiend to a responsible, productive, but still all too human member of society. He welcomes the newcomers including Beto and tells them that they never have to use again. When the meeting opens for sharing, we hear from some of the other addicts in the room: TARYN, a thirty something mom frazzled, disjointed, and horrifyingly and hilariously all over the place; CHRIS, a mid-20's graffiti artist covers up his sensitivities and insecurities with his seemingly cool, confident, and even cocky attitude. At the end of the meeting, Andy approaches Chris, and offers him his card. He invites him to call if he ever wants to get serious about Recovery. Chris is dismissive, but he still takes Andy's card. Gary shares his hopes and fears about his upcoming first date with BRIT, late 20's, whom he's only met online. Even though she knows he's in a wheelchair, he's nervous about how she will see him once they actually meet. Outrageously late, Taryn arrives during the closing prayer. After the meeting, Nancy, her sponsor, listens to a whirlwind of Taryn's excuses and resentments. Calming Taryn down, Nancy gently and loving tells Taryn the truth; what needs to change is Taryn, At Nancy's coffee shop, Gary waits for his date, excited for this next step in the program and his life. But when Brit shows up s he knows she's trouble. Clearly loaded, Brit begins interrogating Gary about being clean, the war, his injuries... everything. When Gary calls her out for misrepresenting herself, Brit hits back: she only "swiped right" on Gary because she felt sorry for him. Furious, Gary wheels himself out of the coffee shop. Nancy tells Brit that there's help available if she wants it. She tries to give Brit her card. Brit refuses: "Sorry, not interested." The next night, Nancy and Andy connect before a meeting. Andy teases Nancy about her gentle style of sponsorship There's a flirtatious intimacy between them, even when Andy mentions he's recently moved back in with his wife. Emerging from the car in which she's living, Brit returns to the coffee shop. An intense looking Man hustles out the door as Brit walks in. She finds a shaken Nancy; the man who just left, whom she hasn't seen in 20 years had come to make an amends. When Nancy was a teenager, Jarrod and some his buddies had gotten Nancy high on meth. Then they all took turns sexually assaulting her. The pain and shame she felt she couldn't share was part of the reason she became an addict. Brit intimates that she can relate. Holding out her card, Nancy tells Brit that there's help if she wants it. This time Brit takes the card and says she'll think about it. Sitting with her nephew, Beto, in her car, Nancy urges him to take his recovery more seriously. Beto insists he's not an addict; he's only here because he's court ordered. As soon as he's filled the requirement, he's gone. Nancy urges him to share his doubts in a meeting and maybe talk with Andy before deciding. As Andy mops down the floor before a meeting, Chris steps into the room expecting to talk with Andy. Instead, Andy hands him a bunch of rags and directs Chris to start drying the floor. Livid, Chris protests that this is "bullshit." Andy tells him that being of service is part of Recovery. Chris scoffs. He knows about service. He grew upon with a single father, who treated him like a servant. He used his art to deal with his feelings and appease all the gangs in his neighborhood. He moved to L.A.to get away from all that. Then when his using started to undermine his art, he stopped. "So are you done?" Andy asks. "Who the fuck knows?" "Then maybe you should go out and do some more research." "Fuck you!" Chris storms out. Taryn meets with Nancy at the coffee shop, wanting desperately to speed up her recovery. She wants recovery and she wants it right now. They're interrupted by an anxious looking Brit, who asks Nancy if she can use the bathroom. Without thinking, Nancy agrees and then turns her attention back to her sponsee. Taryn blames herself for everything that has ever happened to her including her molestation by her dad's business partner. Nancy gently, but firmly tells Taryn that she needs to slow down; the program is not an instant fix. Needing a break, Taryn goes to the bathroom and discovers an unconscious Brit slumped on the floor with a needle stuck in her arm. Taryn screams and Nancy comes running. A haggard looking Chris shows up before a meeting and grabs a mop. He tells Andy he's "done." and asks Andy to sponsor him. As Beto shares his reservations about Recovery; Brit arrives. She lingers in the doorway, unsure of what to do. Nancy catches her attention and gestures for Brit to take the seat next to her. As Gary and Brit exchange knowing looks, he raises his hand and proceeds to tell the true story of how he became paralyzed. He's no war hero: a week before his discharge, he got drunk, stole a jeep, and crashed it. After the meeting, Gary catches up to Brit in the parking lot. He asks where she's going. She doesn't know. Gary says that he hopes that she'll come back. They have a moment. "Maybe I will," Brit says, "We'll see. " She walks away.

Country: United States

Type: scripted

Language: English


Company Credits

Production Co: Recovery Entertainment

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