About this title


A chilling production that exposes the denunciation of three generations of apostles for aberrational crimes within the "Light of the World" Megachurch that delves into the accusations about its current leader , Naasón Joaquin Garcia . The shocking production of five one-hour episodes reveal the practices of the cult behind the Church, and victims who claim to have been sexually abused by the leader called " The Apostle of Jesus Christ". The interviewees expose how from a community that promotes "respecting the equal dignity of people, as well as their rights and freedoms, and rejecting all acts of discrimination, imposition and intolerance", corruption, expropriation, manipulation, and abuse.

Country: United States

Type: unscripted

Status: Current

Language: English

Release Date: June 4, 2023

Also Known As: Secrets of the Apostle


Company Credits

Production Co: Via Hollywood Productions

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